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Jul 24, 2020
Frailty: The Hidden Enemy of Those Aging at Home
QUESTION: I feel like I shouldn't have a question, yet I do. I'm a caregiver for a sweet lady who seems to be doing well according to her...

Jul 7, 2020
No Camp? Make Your Own!
For Erica and her husband, summer in the year of COVID presented the problem of employment with four children who no longer get to enjoy...

Jul 6, 2020
An Advocate Is Needed When Dementia Causes Words to Fail
Even for individuals who are easygoing in their dementia, the inability to remember words can result in angry, frustrated outbursts. In...

Jul 1, 2020
Reviving Hobbies & Activities for Loved Ones with Dementia
QUESTION: My dad was diagnosed with dementia several years ago. Over time he has developed a much more difficult personality than he had...

Jun 26, 2020
Preventing Falls with Seniors & Dementia
QUESTION: My dad retired ten years ago, but he never seemed feeble until he fell in March. He was in the hospital for only a few days,...

Jun 26, 2020
Breaking Through Your Personal Glass Ceiling
Regardless who you are, chances are you may feel stuck. If your career isn't moving forward, yet you're doing all you can, perhaps your...

Jun 22, 2020
Medication Hazards with Dementia and Memory Loss
Medication management can be a chore for any of us after a stay in the hospital. For seniors and individuals with dementia, it's a...

Jun 18, 2020
An Overwhelmed Caregiver's Tips for Success
QUESTION: I just moved here to help my aunt take care of my aging grandmother with dementia. My aunt doesn't think I'm cut out for it...

Jun 4, 2020
Getting Folks Back to Exercise
Seniors often resist exercise because they don’t understand that exercise is the means to retaining independence. Here’s how to convince...

Jun 3, 2020
Personal Assistant, Speak Up!
Whether you work for a household or an executive, chances are as an assistant, you know you could help your employer better IF ONLY...

Jun 2, 2020
Why Your Kids CAN Have a Great Summer Even if There's No Camp
This year as camps shutter to prevent the spread of COVID-19, families worry that their children will miss out on the fun of summer. Here...

May 31, 2020
What Happens When Caregivers Get Quarantined OUT of Facilities
The quarantine has forced everyone to rethink procedures. In this Cura Cares Minute, Moises shares the story of how barring caregivers...

May 27, 2020
Why Unintentional Weight Loss in Seniors Is So Important to Monitor
QUESTION: My 89-year-old mother-in-law who lives with us suffers from dementia. Her doctor keeps mentioning how I need to "monitor her...

May 27, 2020
Top Ten Tips to Keep Your Home Library Neat
Got extra time on your hands? Decide it's time to tackle that decluttering-the-book-mountain project? Here are some things to keep in...

May 26, 2020
Positive Parenting
Staying positive as a parent requires focus. Yes, children need correction - lots of it - but parental attitudes matter...

May 24, 2020
Disaster Averted: Beware Unsynced Prescription Plans
Everybody needs an advocate. In this Cura Cares Minute, Moises shares a story about how proactive advocacy averted disaster for a senior...

May 20, 2020
Sanity-Saving Schedules
Quarantine has pushed everybody to the limits at one point or another. If your days home with kids is stretching you and you haven't yet...

May 18, 2020
3 Tips for Preventing Loneliness in Seniors with Chris Coelho
QUESTION: My 92-year-old grandfather lives alone. He’s always been healthy, but he got shingles last month and I’m beginning to see a...

May 17, 2020
What Quarantine Did to Mom with Dementia
In this Cura Cares Minute, Moises tells how a friend shared the story of her mom with dementia, with a great takeaway for any of us who...

Aug 12, 2019
How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance When Working from Home
Do you live to work, or work to live? Work-life balance has always a struggle, but as more and more sectors go mobile, allowing for...
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